Klassische Fallstudien über Begegnungen mit UFO-Insassen


Norman Cruttwell, 1960: Flying Saucers Over Papua, Papua: Cruttwell


John G. Fuller, 1966: The Interrupted Journey, New York: The Dial Press


John G. Fuller (Übers.), 1966: Die unterbrochene Reise – Zwei verlorene Stunden an Bord einer Fliegenden Untertasse, Rottenburg: Kopp


Coral & Jim Lorenzen, 1967: Flying Saucer Occupants, New York: Signet Books


John A. Keel, 1970: UFOs – Operation Trojan Horse: An Exhaustive Study of UFOs – Revealing their Source and the Forces that Control them, New York: Putnam's Sons


Walter K. Bühler, 1975: Vierzig Begegnungen mit Ausserirdischen in Brasilien, Wiesbaden: Ventla


Ray Stanford, 1976: Socorro ‘Saucer’ in a Pentagon Pantray, Austin, TX: Blueapple Books


Coral & Jim Lorenzen, 1976: Encounters with UFO Occupants, New York: Berkley Publishing Corporation


Isabel Davis & Ted Bloecher, 1978: Close Encounter at Kelly and Others of 1955, CUFOS


Bill Barry, 1978: Ultimate Encounter – The True Story of a UFO Kidnapping (Travis Walton-Fall), Glasgow, Great Britain: A Corgi Book


Charles Hickson & William Mendez, 1983: UFO Contact at Pascagoula, Tucson, AZ: Stevens


Ann Druffel & D. Scott Rogo, 1980: The Tujunga Canyon Contacts, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.


Whitley Strieber, 1988: Die Besucher, München: Überreuter


Budd Hopkins, 1991: Eindringlinge, Hamburg: Kellner


Irene Grandi, 1992: UFOs and Abductions in Brazil, Madison, Wisconsin: Horus House Press. Inc.


David M. Jacobs, 1992: Secret Life: Firsthand Accounts of UFO Abductions, New York: Simon and Schuster


David M. Jacobs (Übers.), 1992: Geheimes Leben, Rottenburg: Jochen Kopp


Raymond Fowler, 1993: The Allagash Entführungen, Tigard: Wild Flower Press


Raymond Fowler (Übers.), 1993: Die Allagash Entführungen, Weilersbach: G. Reichel Verlag


Walter Webb, 1994: The Buff Ledge Incident, CUFOS


Debby Jordan & Kathy Mitchell, 1994: Abducted! The Story of the Intruders Continues, New York: Carroll and Graf Publishers


Debby Jordan & Kathy Mitchell (Übers.), 1996: Entführung! Die Geschichte der Eindringlinge geht weiter, Rottenburg. Kopp Verlag


John E. Mack, 1995: Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons


John E. Mack (Übers), 1995: Entführt von Außerirdischen, München: Wilhelm Heyne Verlag


Budd Hopkins, 1996: Witnessed: The Brooklyn Bridge Abductions, New York: Pocket Books


Budd Hopkins (Übers.), 1997: Entführt ins All – Die UFO-Kidnapper an der Brooklyn Bridge, Berlin: Ullstein TB 35708


Kelly Cahill, 1996: Encounter, Sydney: Harper Collins Publishers


Bob Pratt, 1996: UFO Danger Zone – Terror and Death in Brazil – Where Next?, Madison, Wisconsin: Horus House Press, Inc.


Philip J. Imbrogno & Marianne Horrigan, 1997: Contact of the 5th Kind, St. Paul Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications


Johannes Fiebag, 1997: Von Aliens entführt – Die 25 spektakulärsten Fälle seit Roswell, München Econ TB 26301


Johannes Fiebag (Hrsg.), 1998: Besucher aus dem Nichts – UFO-Entführte berichten, München Knaur


David M. Jacobs, 1998: The Threat: What the Aliens Really Want ... And How they Plan to Get it, New York: Simon & Schuster


David M. Jacobs (Übers.), 2006: Bedrohung – Die geheime Invasion der Aliens, Rottenburg: Kopp Verlag


Preston Dennett, 1999: UFOs Over Topanga Canyon, St. Paul, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publication


Richard F. Haines, 1999: CE-5 Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks, Inc.


John Vasques & Bruce S. Holms, 2000: Incident at Fort Benning, Santa Barbara, CA: Timeless Voyager Press


David M. Jacobs (Hrsg.), 2000: UFOs and Abductions – Challenging the Borders of Knowledge, Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas


Preston Dennet, 2001: Extraterrestrial Visitations – True Accounts of Contact, St. Paul, Minnestoa: Llewellyn Publications


Sandy Nichols, 2001: Different Child, Merrimack, NH:Write to Print


Budd Hopkins & C. Rainey, 2003: Sight Unseen – Science, UFO Invisibility, and Transgenetic Bings, New York: Atria Books


Roger K. Leir, 2005: UFO Crash in Brazil – A Genuine UFO Crash With Surviving ETs, San Diego, CA: The Book Tree


Michael MJ. Evans & Preston Dennett, 2007: The Colorado Island UFO-Incident, Lakeville, MN: Galde Press


Philip J. Imbrogno, 2010: Ultraterrestrial Contact – A Paranormal Investigator's Explorations Into the Hidden Abduction Epidemic, Woodbury, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications


Kathleen Marden & Dennis Stoner, 2012: The Alien Abduction Files The Most Startling Cases of Human-Alien Contact Ever Reported, Pompton Plains, NJ: The Career Press


Don Donderi, 2013: UFOs, ETs, and Alien Abductions, Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc.


Bret Oldham, 2013: Children of the Greys, Murfreesboro, TN: House of Halo